What Kind of Smartphone Resources Can Aid People Experiencing Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a serious issue that can be terrifying to navigate for many people, but there are ways to help protect yourself and stay safe. This article will share some ways you can use your smartphone to help you escape and overcome an abusive relationship and move forward in your life.

managing domestic violence with technology

Contacting The Domestic Violence Hotline

If you’re not ready or mentally prepared to speak with your local police, the next best thing to do is to reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, either via call, text, or live chat.

If you suspect you are experiencing domestic violence, this is an excellent resource to help you identify all of the signs of abuse, whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally, and they can help you plan your journey to safety while maintaining your privacy.

It’s completely confidential, and associates are available 24/7 to assist you with your needs at https://www.thehotline.org/ or at 1-800-799-SAFE.

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Recording Apps

In the event that you do take legal action, it could be a good idea to be proactive and try to use your smartphone to try to record audio or video, or both.

Unfortunately, violent incidents can be hard to predict sometimes, and people can be fearful of facing the consequences of getting caught, and this can also apply to finding any kind of support.

However, if you ever decide to go this route, recording can greatly help your case. Additionally, you can, of course, take photos of physical harm or things that can indicate evidence of abuse, such as weapons, drugs, and alcohol. If you decide to record these things, be sure to back these up to a safe place in case your partner searches your phone or computer.

Counseling & Therapy

Naturally, a lot of strategy goes into trying to get out of an abusive relationship, but even when an individual successfully escapes, emotional support is still usually necessary to help cope with the aftermath.

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This is where counseling and therapy come in, and these days, it can be accessed from your smartphone, which can be a stress-free and convenient way of talking to someone who understands domestic violence issues and can help you cope with them.

However, you don’t have to wait until you’re out of your relationship to benefit from reaching out to a mental health professional. In fact, like the individuals at the National Domestic Violence Hotline, they can help you prepare for the future and teach you how to stay calm and manage stress.

Additional Resources On Domestic Violence

To learn more about domestic violence and how you can find more ways to address it and find support, you can discover more resources like this one at BetterHelp that can educate you further on this topic.

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Domestic violence can happen to anyone, and it can take on different forms and recognizing the signs and knowing how to get help could save your life. Unfortunately, it’s not always predictable nor preventable, but by staying vigilant and taking action, you can increase your chances of safely moving on.


Your smartphone is an amazing tool for a lot of things, but many people aren’t aware that it could help you out of an unhealthy and possibly dangerous relationship. Hopefully, the few suggestions mentioned here are ones you will take into consideration if you find yourself experiencing abuse in any way. They can make all of the difference, especially if it involves talking to a professional who helps others overcome this issue.

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