What Is Street Art Design? A Complete Guide

Artists are always coming up with new ways to express themselves, making the street art design world an exciting and ever-growing field.

Thanks to the internet, artists from around the world have connected and shared their work with a much wider audience. This has led to a surge in the popularity of this unique form of art.

There are many different styles of street art design, but they all share one common goal: to make a public space more visually attractive. But to give you more ideas about street art design, we’ve put together this guide to help you learn more about street art.

What is Street Art Design?

what is street art design

Street art is artwork in public places, such as on the side of buildings or streets and sidewalks. It can be anything from traditional graffiti, murals, wheat pasting, and street installation to any other number of creative techniques.

Street art is often illegal, and its meaning and purpose can be controversial. But despite being seen as unsightly and destructive, street art continues to thrive as an important and unique form of art that adds character to the city.

These days, you can find it everywhere, including on streets, trains, buildings, and other publicly accessible locations.

Street artists use various media, including painting, sculpture, installation, and even performance, to communicate their charming and thought-provoking message to the world.

The history of Street Art design

Street art has a crazy history that dates back to around 7000 BC, or possibly even earlier.

The Cueva de las Manos, a cave in Santa Cruz, Argentina, is home to one of the world’s oldest works of wall art or street art. Although the significance of these paintings is unknown with certainty, it’s generally accepted that it was either religious or ceremonial.

While the desire to use walls and other public spaces as a canvas for artistic expression is not a modern invention, modern street art is very different from the cave paintings of thousands of years ago.

Humans have been doing it since the beginning of time to record, communicate, and express themselves.

What is the Purpose of Street Art?

Most people see street art and think that it’s just vandalism. But there’s a lot more to it than that. For many artists, street art is about much more than that. It’s a way to express their creativity, engage with their community, and challenge the status quo.

Some street artists use their art to comment on social or political issues. Others use it to express themselves or share their creativity with the world. Some often do street art so that it can add color and life to an otherwise dreary urban landscape.


But regardless of the artist’s intent, street art can be a powerful expression used to start conversations, raise awareness, and even inspire change.

Whether you love it or hate it, street art is a powerful form of expression that can’t be ignored.

Characteristics of Street Art

By now, it’s evident that street art includes – to put it mildly – unconventional designs and artworks.

This is the kind of artwork to look at if you want to see illustrations and paintings that make you stop and stare. The following characteristics of street art are undeniably recognizable. These include:

  • Vibrant colors
  • Loud and flashy
  • Full of different shapes, forms, and patterns
  • Cartoony
  • Politically and socially subversive
  • Diverse topography
  • Strong focal points
  • Minimalism (stick figures, lines, etc.)
  • Straightforward illustrations
  • Contrast

The point is that street art is not hard to notice. With just the right amount of loud, flashy colors, you will surely see one painted on walls or the subway far ahead.

Different Types of Street Art

When we think of street art, we often think of graffiti or a mural that is spray-painted or otherwise applied to walls or other structures in public spaces. But street art can take many different forms, and some of these are:

  • Graffiti is one of the most common forms of street art, and it can take many forms. It can be anything from simple words or phrases to elaborate murals.


  • Murals – are often seen as a painting or other artwork applied to a wall or other large surface. Murals can be huge and complex, or they can be small and simple.

Murals design

  • Performance Art: a street art that uses the body or different movements as a canvas. It can be anything from spoken word poetry or street theater to acrobatics.

performance art

  • Sculptures and Installations: These are usually larger pieces of art in public spaces. They can be made from various materials, such as metal, wood, or even trash.

Sculptures and Installations:

  • 3D wall graffiti: These use optical illusions to create the illusion of depth on a 2D or 3D surface.

3D wall graffiti

  • Chalk art: This street art uses chalk to create images or write messages on sidewalks or other surfaces.

Chalk art

  • Wheat Pasting – a type of street art that involves applying paper or other materials to a wall or surface using wheat paste. It can be created by professional artists or by anyone who wants to add some color to their surroundings.

wheat pasting

Street art is a powerful and unique form of expression that can be used to engage with the community, start conversations, and even inspire change. If you’re interested in learning more about street art, we encourage you to explore the different types of street art and find one that speaks to you, whether in your local area or internationally.

What’s Next for Street Art?

Street art is always evolving, and new artists constantly push the boundaries of what’s possible. As the world becomes more connected, we’re likely to see more international collaborations and the continued growth of street art worldwide.

We’re also likely to see more street art that uses technology, such as projection mapping and digital displays. And as environmental concerns become more pressing, we may see more art focusing on important issues like climate change.

No matter what the future holds, one thing is certain: street art will continue to be a powerful and unique expression.

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