10 UX Designing Tips That Surely Increase Conversion Of Website

Learn how to turn website visitors into customers with brilliant UX design tips that will surely increase your website’s conversion rate. 

SEO – Search Engine Optimisation is a great way to rank your websites on the top of search engines, but the real task of converting leads into sales is done by designing your website.

If the designs of your websites are appealing and the UX – User Experience elements hit top-notch, then only visitors will remain immersed and will want to try out your services. 

Here’s how to immerse visitors along with your greatly-designed website and trail them to click on your main Call-to-Action button, i.e – avail your offerings!

Let’s go! 

UX designing tips to increase website conversion

Create a Power-packed Website With the 9 Handy UX Designing Tips

You can suggest these tips to your partnered web development company and ensure your website is top-notch, helping you convert leads into sales. The curated list is hand-picked and is practiced by top web developers in Ireland; thus, beyond any doubt, these tips will aid you in creating a power-packed website. 

1. An Impressive Home Page 

One of the most defining pages of your company should be the home page. It is the page where visitors will land, and as the quote goes – ‘First impression is the last impression’, that very much will hold true in either making an impression or breaking it. 

If your home page is beautifully designed and has engaging & appealing visuals, then your visitor is more likely to scroll down for more & eventually avail of your services.

Besides having an impressive page, you should also take care that your brand’s most important information/service/product should be right at the top, which will tell people what your website is about. 

A brilliant example of a stunning home page is Airbnb; they have the sleekest, most nicely organized, visually appealing landing page. More importantly, right from the start, their home page gives a clear idea about their service. 

So with your home page, try to impress your users right from the start, so your visitors don’t think twice before opting for your services & clicking the primary CTA, the way to connect with you. 

2. Pro tip – Give a Website Tour

A web development company in Ireland even recommends giving a website tour if the visitor has landed on your page for the first time. A website tour will help your user get acquainted with your services. And especially if you’re a travel agency or an educational organization offering courses, it will be like a sneak peek about the features/tools you offer. Semrush’s product tour is a great example.

  • In a gist
  • Create an appealing page with stunning visuals. 
  • Keep the most important information on your website at the top
  • Keep it organized
  • Give a website tour

3. Make Headings Sweet & Content Short

The top banner, i.e., the first text your user reads, is one of the essential elements. It gives insight to your users about what you are as a company. 

A short, sweet, and interesting enough heading will do the job and set the tone for the rest of your website’s text. 


Moreover, keep in mind that headings play an essential role in SEO as well; thus, make use of strategic keywords. Another criterion to follow is that the heading/top banner shouldn’t be more than 20 words. 

Rest assured, be clear, sound confident, & pave your way to convert your visitors into customers. 

4. Make Searching & Filtering Simple Like Anything

Searching & filtering are important elements of an eCommerce website development. Try to help your users find the right product for them; if you make their job easier in finding the right product with on-site search & filters, know that it’s no sooner that the user will convert into a customer. 

A user-friendly search option combined with optimized filters is sure to increase the conversion rate. You need to ensure that your users have a fuss-free experience & get the product that they are finding.

Many companies fail here, so there’s definitely ample opportunity to offer the best customer experience and fascinate customers from other sites, too, because word of mouth spreads far and wide 🙂

  • In a gist
  • Genuinely help your users find the right product
  • A user-friendly search bar and optimized filters> higher chances of conversion.

5. Product Page Layout

Another aspect that holds importance is your product page layout. Your product page layout should be a complete combination of product details, applicable images & videos, and a filtering option for other related products. 

SEE ALSO: How to Implement Branding Strategy

It should be simple and clear and give insight from the very moment they see your products. You should even give your customers a 360º view of the product to get a complete idea 

Apple’s product page is a perfect example of what your product page should look like. They show their product from all angles, with detailed information, and even give the option to check other colors available. 

Try to design your product page around these filter options: 

  • Color
  • Size
  • Gender
  • Model
  • Price
  • Brand
  • Material

Another product page layout option, the user’s favorite, is the product & price comparison option. Integrate the comparison in your product page layout, and help your customers buy the best products. 

6. Call the Right Place Through the Call-to-Action Buttons. (CTA)

CTA or Call-to-Action buttons are the ones that help users connect with you or avail of your services. It can be used to drive traffic to your website and is the key element in website design. 

Various types of CTAs are available, and they come in multiple shapes and sizes or sometimes just icons. You can leverage the different types of CTAs and lead your users to desired actions. 

Moreover, you can also use different color combinations along with your CTA button and ensure that your CTA looks strikingly different & stand out on your page. 

Besides, ensure your CTA is clear and concise and doesn’t confuse your users. The text should clearly signify to visitors that this will happen if they click the button.  

Over and above that, position your CTAs, so they are easily noticeable by your users, nail your website’s entire look, and increase your conversion rate. 

  • In a gist
  • Clear and concise CTA
  • Leverage various types of CTA available & guide your user to the desired action.   
  • Make your CTA stand out through different color combos.

7. Reviews – Best Social Proof

Another simple UX design tip that can help you increase your conversion rate is adding reviews to your website. 

Reviews can work in two ways —

  • Reviews about your own company
  • Customer reviews of the products 

If you’re a B2B site, then reviews about your company can be added when businesses are availing of your services.  Whereas, when it comes to customer reviews, you will have to enable them to add reviews based on their experience.

Reviews work as great social proof in helping customers buy your products & increase their trust in them. 

8. Easy Profile Creation

It’s a reality. Not all people who visit your website want to buy your product or avail of your services; some people just visit your website, and that’s why they are called visitors.

Visitors sometimes only come to check your website and your products… and if things go well, you have excellent offerings, and they turn into customers.

But for them to first check your products, you should first allow them to see your offerings. 

The trick here is to offer them easy profile creation with their social media account, Google or Apple id. This will help them quickly create their account.

You can also enable the ‘Guest profile’ option, where they can easily browse your website. And at the time of checkout, they can provide their complete details. 

The point is to make creating an account a more straightforward option, cutting out all the unwanted steps. 

  • In gist
  • Guest account – Allow visitors to check your website without signing up
  • Enable instant account creation – Social media/Google/Apple login
  • Cut all the unwanted steps in the account creation

9. Simple Exchange & Return Options

If you’re a product-based or, let’s say, an eCommerce company, then a simple, straightforward exchange & return policy is necessary. Your goal should be to improve their overall shopping experience, not only focus on making sales. 

However, don’t be too flexible regarding the return policy, as your customer might exploit it. Being too strict is also not the solution. Try finding a middle way out & take inspiration from Amazon’s exchange & return policy. 

10. Highly Responsive on Mobile Devices

Lastly, ensure that your website runs smoothly not only on desktop but on mobile, too, because that’s where your potential customers are. Mobile search has increased rapidly over the years, and according to a Think with Google, it was noticed that if a mobile page takes more time to load, the bounce rate increases drastically.

What some people do is they don’t think about mobile app responsiveness, and then voilà, you get to know that your website isn’t running smoothly on mobile. Don’t be one of them.


Ta-da, there you go! We have looked into these excellent 9 UX designing tips that you can effectively utilize to create a website that indeed drives traffic & increases conversion.

Remember, your visitors are your potential customers. From Apple’s product page to Semrush’s website tour, hope you implement these tips and create a conversion-focused website for your business that actually drives sales

There are more such UX designing tips; ask your partnered web development company for more suggestions and create a fantastic website. 

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