7 Ways To Make Your Essay Stand Out

The foundation of any academic research paper is its thesis statement. The thesis statement and the opening statement might confuse you. While there are several good ways to start an essay, only some essays immediately present their main ideas.

Thus, an academic essay must have a solid theme and topic, be supported by credible evidence, and conclude succinctly.

By adhering to the effective way to write an essay, you can create a valuable paper during a time crunch.

In this article, you will discover different ways to make your essay stand out from the other students in your class.

A student writing an essay with bookshelve background

7 Effective Tips To Write An Outstanding Essay

When writing an essay, you must consider several elements, factors, themes, and characteristics.

Below-mentioned are essay writing tips that will make your paper stand out from the rest.

1. Think About Writing As A Conversational Paper

It is very common for people to tense up at the thought of reading and writing an essay.

Significantly, writing in tense is likely to produce stilted and stiff prose. In addition, you are likely to miss the colorful and flavorful details that are needed to make the essay stand out in a memorable way.

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Thus, with the help of these details in your head, you can easily narrate a story to your classmate during the recess period.

Therefore, before writing, stretch, walk, and take some breaks. These will help you get back to the essay and instill a new perspective of working on your essay.

2. Include Useful Transition Words

Using transition words is an integral tip to consider while writing an essay, whether you are working on an admission or scholarship essay.

However, the use should be restricted as unnecessary use of words can ruin the essay’s flow. Similarly, they can be invaluable tools for connecting and separating the different sections of the essay.

These words will help you express your concepts and bring a persistent structure to the paper.


Hence, you must use the right transition word in the right place.

3. Write In Straightforward Language

When writing an academic essay for college or university, your main argument should be the first thing incorporated.

While it might be tempting to deviate from the main concept of the essay topic, you need to avoid this, as it will make your essay vague.

Therefore, you always need to question the evidence you include in the essay. For instance, check if the evidence directly matches the thesis statement. If you find it irrelevant, then make changes immediately.

4. Avoid Passive Voice

When writing for your college or university, avoid using the passive voice. The active voice tends to engage the reader.

Therefore, to make your essay engaging, try to incorporate dialogue, narration, and a strong story. These factors will eventually create a strong body for your essay and hook the reader until the end.

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In addition, use simple words and stop beating around the bush when explaining a particular scenario. Rather, explain the concept using real-life situations because writing always wins.

5. Build A Thesis

A thesis statement is an integral part that needs to be included in your essay.


When selecting a specific thesis, you should be able to create an argument that supports the central opinion.

Thus, consider writing about a real-life citation and explain your perspective on the chosen topic.

Furthermore, your thesis needs to be logical and clear, but at the same time, it should be argumentative. Else, it might be challenging for you to support it with counterarguments.

6. Be Aware Of Spelling And Grammar Mistakes

Before you can submit a document, it is important to check the spelling, grammar, and punctuation marks.

However, to craft a good essay, you need good grammar and knowledge of punctuation. Thus, without these fundamentals, it will be difficult to communicate your ideas effectively and ensure that they are taken seriously.

As grammar includes verb agreement and subject, you might need help to get everything right. To resolve your problem and craft the best essay, visit the link https://www.freshessays.com for the best results. They make the essay’s tone direct and ensure the right grammar check.

7. Edit And Proofread

A good academic essay needs multiple revisions. This is because when you go through the essay, you can examine the areas of rectification and modification required.

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This further refers to subjecting your essay to a close and comprehensive editing and proofreading process.

It is even more effective if a third party reviews and marks the modification area.

How To Write A Good Introduction For An Essay?

To learn how to write a good essay, you must also know how to write an introduction first.

Thus, the most effective essay introduction begins with a relatively broad and general subject matter. It then gradually narrows the scope and focus until it becomes extremely specific.
This is why writers tend to place the thesis statement at the end of the introduction paragraph.

Similarly, the introduction is broad and often related tangentially to an essay’s main body. Similarly, there is no limit on what the beginning of a good introduction can look like. Therefore, as a writer, you must rely on cliches or a hook to keep the reader engaged throughout the essay.

What Is The Key To A Good Hook?

You can improve at writing essays the same way you improve at other things. All you need is consistent practice.

Therefore, the key to a good hook is to begin your essay with an unexplored and absorbing line of inquiry in the introduction that addresses the paper’s main point.

So, be careful while selecting the language and slowly revealing the theme and plot. Furthermore, you can build the reader’s anticipation of what to follow and what not to emphasize.

So, much like an actual worn-baited fishing hook, craft a line that will keep the reader’s engaged.

Summing Up

Thus, an essay is about communicating your idea to the reader.

Therefore, you must try different approaches to examine what works best for you. With constant practice, you can improve your writing skills and eventually write an outstanding essay.

Furthermore, you can also get assistance from essay writing services if you are facing an issue.


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