APN Settings for Telkomsel, Indosat, Vodafone, Axis, 3, IM3 Indonesia

In this article, you will get Telkomsel APN Settings, Indosat APN Settings, Axis APN Settings, 3 APN Settings, IM3 APN Settings and Vodafone APN settings for browsing the internet in Indonesia. This can be applied manually as there are no code yet for automatic push configuration.

Access Point Name (APN) is required in every mobile phone to connect to the internet else you won’t be able to browse with your phone even after activating data plans.

The good news is the access point works for all network types including GPRS, Edge, 3G and 4G network categories. This means you don’t have to apply different settings to use different signal.

Indonesia is a densely populated country with over 264 million people with over 173 million subscribed to one of these mobile networks; Indosat, Vodafone, 3, IM3, Telkomsel, Axis, Bakery Telkom, Smartfren Telecom and Ceria Mobile.

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Because of these outrageous number of phone users, the number of people wanting to access the internet increased as well.

Normally, without a working APN configuration, a phone will not brows and this is why most Indonesians now search for APN Settings for these mobile networks which I have provided on this page as you read on.

Telkomsel Indosat Vodafone APN settings

1. Telkomsel APN Settings

There are currently two manual APN configurations for Telkomsel network in India, you can try them below to give your phone access to the internet.

First Configuration

  • APN: Internet
  • Username: (leave it empty)
  • Password: (Leave it empty)
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Second Configuration

  • APN: Telkomsel
  • Username: (leave it empty)
  • Password: (leave it empty)

See Also: Telkomsel Free Internet For Indonesia


IM3 network in Indonesia has one working and generally accepted APN settings which is;

  • APN: www.indosat-m3.net
  • User name : (leave it empty)
  • Password: im3


Also known as “XL” in Indonesia, Vodafone has one unique APN settings which you can apply manually below;

  • APN: www.xlgprs.net
  • User name : (leave it empty)
  • Password: proxl


There are three APN Settings options available for axis network in Indonesia so you can try each to figure out the configuration that works best for you.

First Configuration

  • APN: axis
  • User name: pcl@3g
  • Password: 123456

Second Configuration (AXIS-SNS)

  • User name : (leave empty)
  • Password: (leave empty)

Third Configuration (AXISMMS (MMS)

  • APN: AXISmms
  • User name: axis
  • Password: 123456
  • MMSC: https://mmsc.axis
  • MMS proxy :
  • MMS port: 8080
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Axis also has this dial up number *99# for easy and faster internet browsing configuration.


Shortly called “3”, it’s a network provider in Indonesia with track record of good 4G service delivery in the country. So to enjoy the amazing service you need to apply the below APN settings.


  • APN: 3gprs
  • User name: 3gprs
  • Password: 3gprs

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Internet data is very important to virtually every mobile phone user especially if you use a smartphone. And there is no way to connect to the internet without a correct and working APN Settings for your preferred network provider because even after activating an internet data bundle, your device won’t still browse unless you properly configure your phone to have internet access.