How To Build A Custom Application Like Zoom

The pandemic has widened the market of online connectivity. From classes to meetings, everything has gone digital. Apps like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams have become a part of our lives. Seeing it from the business perspective top Zoom app for video conferencing has emerged to capture the market potential. 

Well, why not the global data show that video meeting apps would be a whopping USD 50 billion industry by 2026. Many development firms are improvising and innovating things and bringing new features and facilities in to give a push to their products. 

Building a custom app like Zoom is not as difficult as it looks. You might say how to get something like what is already up and running. Well, it’s more about improvisation as we said. You don’t have to copy and paste what is already there.

It won’t serve the purpose anyways. Doing that is not as difficult as it looks and as you have landed on the page you are surely looking for that answer. And to give you that answer here we are going to discuss it in depth.

custom app like zoom

Study Market 

The very first thing to do is to study the market and assess what is there. Before getting into the business you need to know who your competitors are and what you have to produce to put up a fight and capture market share.

Study the market well and see what unique features you can bring that the others in the market are not offering. Further, you can act on the areas that need improvement, for example, if the available apps are offering a limit of 50-60 people per meeting and the market for online seminars and corporate meet needs more people to join then you can work on that area in your app. 

Attractive Design 

What looks good sells well. This thing applies to your custom application as well. You have to build something that entices the user and makes them feel connected. It’s not only the adult age group that is going to use your app; rather everyone from students taking classes to millennials would be your target base. Get your design team and set a target to build an attractive UI/UX and utilize an effective color scheme to make your app as alluring as possible.

The Back-end

As the name suggests the back end means the backbone of your mobile application. The back end involves the web and app server of the custom application.  Lying at the core of the back-end helps you to modify and develop various functionalities in the application. Further, it’s at the back end where you find and fix the bugs and errors in the app. 


Scalability is an important factor if we talk about mobile applications today. Basically, scalability means that your custom video application is able to adjust as per the screen size of the user. Since the app would be accessed by desktop users, mobile users, and tablet users you need to ensure that none of the users faces issues with the app.

Many of the users for such apps are mobile-based. That is why it should be ensured that the design and style of your website and app are accommodating.  You can ensure the scalability of your app at the design and development phase only. 


Security and privacy are major concerns online and that’s where encryption comes in. End-to-end encryption like Whatsapp would not only help build user confidence but would also make the app safe and secure for users.

Since video calling apps have the option of in-house chatting this would allow the messages to be secure as the users interact with each other. Further, it would avoid interference by unwanted elements as we saw that Top zoom like app calls was initially intruded on by outsiders during the initial phases. 

Simple Onboarding 

The onboarding of the users shall be simple and straight and not ask them to always register. Give them the option to join as guests or use the guest mode so that they can develop a familiarity with the app.


Not every user would like to register for a new app and most of them would be looking for a trial. Doing so you would keep the necessity of sharing the details at first at a bay. Further, this is an effective method to win the user’s confidence and allow them hassle-free access. 

Screen Sharing 

One of the most important things that you cannot miss when you are talking about a video-calling app is the screen-sharing feature. Be it an online class or a business presentation the users mostly need a screen-sharing option to share slides or information.

This is of utmost importance for education-based users as teachers have to display their screens (acting as a blackboard) to help explain things to the students.


We hope now you have got a clear-cut idea as to how a custom Zoom kind of video application can be developed and run. So, if you are planning that business extension it’s your time to put things in order and act. 

About The Author

Hermit Chawla is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs which is a Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow with top responsive web design services. He loves to share his thoughts on Social Media Marketing Services Game Design Development etc.




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