The recent technological advancements in the development of modern intercom systems have influenced how schools select the right intercom device for communication and security. These advancements have led to improved access to technology, bridged the communication gap, and boosted schools’ security defense.
With features such as two-way communication, wireless intercom systems, and integrated PA systems, the importance of modern intercom systems in schools cannot be overstated. By improving communication flow through seamless processes that sometimes require less physical interaction, these intercom systems have helped schools and can further improve their communication flow.
Beyond improving communication, security is another important factor in schools, which intercom systems make better. This article seeks to explore the must-have intercom devices for schools. However, before delving into the devices, it is important to note the considerations that guide procuring the intercom devices for any school size.
Key Considerations for Modern Intercom Systems
It is important not to choose an intercom system without going over important factors that will be explored in subsequent paragraphs. Like any other investment, selecting the right school intercom system as a school administrator requires research work. It also involves assessing certain touch points to ensure major stakeholders like the students and staff are considered.
- Assess Your School Needs
Before choosing a device, first consider the users of the device and the entire objective behind the investment. Evaluate the school’s requirements by going over the school size, number of buildings, and the communication needs of different departments.
Is the front office able to communicate with teachers? Can teachers, through an intercom device, communicate quickly with the front office? The answers to this question narrow down your quest to find the right device for your school.
During your assessment, identify the key objectives. Is the school looking to enhance its emergency response capabilities? Or is the school looking to enable efficient communication? A first-hand knowledge of the objectives helps streamline your search.
- Evaluate System Features
After assessing your school’s needs, it is now easier to select an intercom system that aligns with the school’s requirements. Some considerations in the area include selecting an intercom system that can integrate with an existing PA system. Click here to learn more about intercom system features to look out for.
PA systems are important communication tools that efficiently broadcast announcements and emergency alerts to the entire school. This is important because it enables a uniform operation and control of both systems. Additionally, it totally removes the need for different setups and facilitates a consistent, integrated experience.
Another feature to look out for is two-way communication. It is important that the system has this feature as it helps teachers and other staff communicate quickly without leaving their positions.
Lastly, check for the ease of use. The system should be user-friendly and simple for administrators and staff to operate and manage.
- Consider Budget
One factor that can be a major constraint in this process is the allocated budget. Find out about the installation costs for each device and the licensing fees. To be on the safe side, inquire about ongoing maintenance and future upgrades.
So, it is not only about buying the device but also other factors, as mentioned in the previous paragraph. You need to have an overarching view of the expenses before settling for a device.
Audio Intercoms
The key factors mentioned in the previous section will help school administrators, like you select the right intercom systems for your school. One of the important intercom systems to consider is the audio intercom.
Audio intercoms are commonly used in the education system to establish two-way communication between staff, students, and administration. Some key features of an audio system include:
- Integration with PA systems
Previously, we explored the importance of choosing intercom systems that can be integrated with PA systems. Audio intercoms are good examples of such systems. They can be successfully integrated with PA systems to facilitate effective two-way communication between different people remotely.
Audio intercoms play a vital role in emergencies. They enable administrators to remotely communicate certain instructions, such as lockdowns or evacuations. Read to learn more about how audio intercoms are also used for day-to-day operations.
Wireless Intercom Systems
One advantage of getting a wireless intercom is that they do not require extensive wiring like traditional wired systems. They are easier to install, particularly in school buildings with multiple structures. They include features like overhead Public Address [PA] paging that allows administrators to make public announcements.
Additionally, wireless systems can be integrated with break bell systems to automatically sound alerts for class changes or other scheduled school events.
Considering the budget, wireless systems are considered cost-effective because of the zero wiring involved. However, it is advisable to consider other factors before making a decision.
Wired Intercom Systems
An alternative to wireless intercom, these systems use physical wires to connect all intercom stations throughout the school building. This wiring serves as the communication foundation for the system.
Wired systems are known for their security and reliability features. The physical wiring provides a stable and consistent communication channel that is less susceptible to external interference. Additionally, wired systems provide clear audio communication that can be heard throughout the school.
While it may be more costly because of the wiring connection involved, you have to consider its sturdy features, as mentioned. Compare with the school’s needs and determine if it’s the best option.
IP Intercom Systems
Modern IP intercom systems are built with advanced features, such as video calling, that allow users to see and hear each other clearly during intercom communication. IP systems use the school’s existing network to transmit audio and video signals.
Interestingly, IP systems can integrate with other existing digital communication tools, such as video conferencing software and emergency notification systems. This uniform feature ensures that different systems can work together to enhance the communication flow in the school.
Summing Up
Choosing the right intercom system for schools isn’t an arduous task. Instead, it requires a thoughtful approach that considers every touch point. To avoid feeling overwhelmed and choosing an intercom system from a place of pressure, it is important to understand the school’s needs, consider the budget, and evaluate intercom system features. This process eventually helps to narrow down the search to devices that align with the school’s requirements. With the continual technological advancements being made, intercom systems like wireless, wired, and audio are expected to hit the market with advanced features that schools can leverage effectively.