New Price Of Startimes Classic Bouquet Subscription Increase to N3800

StarTimes Nigeria has updated its classic bouquet price and increased it to N3,800 from the former price of N3,100. Also, new channels have been added to the StarTimes classic bouquet including Ebony Life TV, ST Nollywood Plus, and Fox and ST Kids.

Startimes Classic Bouquet Price


Channels Available On Startimes Classic Bouquet:

Below is the list of the 52 channels on Classic Bouquet.

  1. AIT
  3. AMC Series
  4. BET
  5. CCTV 4
  6. CCTV 9 Documentary
  7. CCTV News
  8. Channels TV
  9. Child Smile
  10. Cool TV
  11. Discovery Science
  12. DOVE TV
  13. E! Entertainment
  14. E-STARS
  15. Eurosport News
  16. Fine Living
  17. Fox News
  18. Fox Sports
  19. Galaxy TV
  20. GET TV
  21. IQRAA
  22. iroko Play
  23. JIM JAM
  24. LTV
  25. MITV
  26. MTV Base
  27. Nature and History
  28. NBA TV
  30. Nta Sports 24
  31. ORISUN
  32. POP
  33. QYou
  35. Silverbird TV
  36. Star Africa 2
  37. Star Bollywood TV
  38. Star Dadin kowa
  40. Star Sport 2
  41. Star Zone
  43. Tiwa’n’Tiwa
  44. TLC
  45. Trace Sport Stars
  46. TVC
  47. TVC News
  48. Wazobia TV
  49. ST Nollywood Plus
  50. Ebony Life TV
  51. Fox
  52. ST Kids
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SEE THIS: Startimes Daily Subscription Payment

This new Startimes Classic Bouquet price increment is coming after MultiChoice increased its DSTV and GOTV subscription fees to something subscribers are not happy about.

Startimes Classic bouquet

About StarTimes

StarTimes is a pay TV network in Nigeria that deploys the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) Broadcast Technology also called the Digital Video Broadcast on Terrestrial.

StarTimes is the leading digital TV operator in Africa, serving nearly 20 million users with a signal covering the whole continent and a massive distribution network of 200 brand halls, 3,000 convenience stores, and 5,000 distributors.

StarTimes owns a featured content platform, with 480 authorized channels consisting of news, movies, series, sports, entertainment, children’s programs, etc.

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The company’s vision is to ensure that every African family can access, afford, watch and share the beauty of digital TV.

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